Charlotte’s Here – come see all the photos!

The past few weeks have seemingly flown by whilst simultaneously crawled at snail’s speed!

On September 17th, at 7:22am, after about 40 hours of labor, Robyn and I welcomed Charlotte Renee into our world – or rather, she welcomed us into hers! Her birth was the single most amazing experience of my life, and I am so grateful that I have been able to spend the last several weeks at home, enjoying this time with both her and Robyn.

Robyn is, by the way, incredible. As a witness to Charlotte’s birth, the love I have for my wife soared so high. Every day it’s more amazing, observing the grace and love that she shows our daughter. Watching Charlotte and Robyn during those little moments just multiplies what I already feel. I had no idea that being a parent would also be like this. 

And Charlotte is just the best. She still sleeps and eats a lot mostly, but when she has her alert time – man, is she awesome. She has a million different faces that she makes, and she is always moving her arms and hands around like a little maestro. When she wasn’t even a day old, she held her head up for almost an entire minute! She is such a strong little baby. When I hold her, she usually prefers to be tummy-to-tummy with me, and she will lay her little head on my chest so sweet. I can’t wait to show her everything, she deserves the best of it all.


So while I’m being so emotive, I wanted to express how grateful I am for all of the wonderful people who have come to visit us, for the friends who have offered assistance to our family, and for those who have sent us such kind words and thoughtful gifts. You guys are a blessing.

Being at home for weeks, there have been days where I needed a reason to put on real clothes. Thank you for coming to my house, seriously.

Without further delay, I will get to the point – and the real reason why I know you are all here! The pictures:

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Hopefully we will have many more photos coming soon!

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